help us to create awareness

A fraction of the true need
These numbers are striking, but are really the icing on the cake in all probability.
Figures are likely higher and we are seeing trends increase in recent years - with increased government pressure on NHS services to find more cases...
... and this only includes those who know they are / were being abused.

Get Out Get Love
... an attempt to create a movement
Written and created by Dr Craig Newman - a Clinical Psychologist and serial eHealth technologist... also a DA survivor.
After his experience of escape, DA services and recovery - he wrote the book 'Get Out Get Love' and has since created this programme to support people in need... and the sector.
He is driven both by the lack of service support available to meet demand and his own realisation that many people are not even aware of their own abuse history and the impact it has had on them.
Press Pack
Psychologist realises we can experience abuse and not know it... responds with a scalable solution.
Get Out Get Love is the recipient of UK govt funding from Innovate UK to build the world’s first long-term recovery programme
Psychologist and survivor - turning both his experience of creating high-impact innovation to the world of DA and his own personal journey of leaving an abusive relationship. Creates world’s first long-term recovery programme.
Readers can access a free-with-purchase online course on Self-Compassion
GOGL - a counter response to the 2) ‘Red Pill’ movement: popular media narrative around extreme misogyny and ‘gaming’ the system to exploit women.
Changing the narrative on abuse... an entirely positive perspective on recovery

Let's create 100,000 self-love stories together!

I’m sure that GOGL was created just for me...
It’s challenging but so good!
Evidenced outcomes, GOGL alongside DA services.

Innovate UK funded a qualitative evaluation of the programme: with 60 participants, referred from DA services.
• 96% said it connected with their own experience
• 89% said they’d like to continue using it in the long-term (i.e. returning to it over time)
• 96% rated it 4 stars or above (65% 5 stars)
• 93% stated that it was helpful in their recovery.
• Users made specific recommendations for GOGL to be made available alongside DA service support (and therapy)
• GOGL supported continuity of support for people in transient accommodation / circumstances.

A book & a digital programme...
many roads to self-love

100+ Evidence-Based Audio Lessons all from the founder (Chartered Clinical Psychologist, Dr Craig Newman).
Available as an App / Desktop / self-help book based programme.
Embedded compassionate mind course
Meditations Designed specifically for those healing after abuse
Rescue resources to help you at times of known crisis
Monthly Q&A Podcast where the founder answers user questions
Live events with the founder and/or expert Psychologist.
Self-paced, long-term journey - with resources you can use as and when you need to.
Contact Instructions
For publicity enquiries please contact Matt.Young@hachette.co.uk & Gracie.Maddison@hachette.co.uk
For programme access enquiries, please click below to talk request access: