4 reasons we were able to love an abusive partner (...how to not feel regret)
Our writings (blog) on all topics relating to abusive relationships
What to do when our abusive relationship is coming from a parent / sibling
"My ex is a narcissist!" The hazards of investing too heavily, in a habit of validation.
Understanding the Emotional Effects of Leaving an Abuser
Rescue Planning: Beating the urge to contact your abusive ex.
A Psychologist wakes up to the realisation that she had experienced domestic abuse.
Negging, the hurtful slights abusive partners can slip into conversation.
When I Realised That Being Told "I Hate You" Is Probably Abuse
Tips and strategies for Abused Men & Women facing courtroom battles.
Navigating a Broken System: Support and Hope for Domestic Abuse Survivors Facing Court Battles
Why Can't I Stop Thinking About or Contacting My Abusive Ex?
Red Flags: How to Recognise a Toxic Co-Parenting Relationship
Are you trapped? How to Spot Coercive Control and Break Free
What is coercive control & what to do if you have / are experiencing it.
How the GOGL Programme aims to reduce Adverse-Childhood Experiences (ACES) outcomes.
What are Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES)?
The Consequences of Gaslighting - Understanding its hidden Impact