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How the GOGL Programme aims to reduce Adverse-Childhood Experiences (ACES) outcomes.

5 features of the GOGL programme, that relate to positive outcomes for children in domestic abuse homes.

Support for the parent who has experienced domestic abuse can have a positive impact on their children's future outcomes. By addressing the parent's needs and helping them to heal from their experiences, support can improve the parent's ability to provide a safe and supportive environment for their children, reducing the negative effects of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES).

Many services aim to provide this support at pace but suffer many challenges, due to the limited resource, scale of the issue, diversity of need and regional differences in funding. In reality, for many people who leave domestic abuse the common experience of support includes:

  • Limited service provision (more demand than there is supply).

  • Long waiting lists for therapy (6-24 months).

  • Group therapy (for some this can be triggering and scary).

  • Unequal access for different ages and sexes.

  • Short-term therapy (10-12 weeks is common, 24 weeks is uncommon)

  • Stigmatised service offers (linked to services that appear for the most extreme of abuse cases, which can be difficult to relate to)

For many, the primary risk is that they return to their ex, suffer mental health problems without support or experience a serious mental health crisis that impairs parenting.

For almost all people, there is no long term support offer or approach that is provided. Many report the need for a service they can trust and that understands their needs, which are specialist.

Get Out Get Love (GOGL) is a digital programme that provides access to a recovery model for those leaving, left or recovering from domestic abuse. Designed by psychologists and aimed to be impactful for recovering parents, and by association, their children.

Here are 5 ways the GOGL programme meets some of the needs of people, and plugs a gap in the sector:

Immediate support option

For everyone who needs it, just sign up and start. No waiting list.

Flexible access

Everyone sets their own pace. The programme needs 15 minutes per use, but this can be daily or less - or more, if the user wants more. Clients are in control of their own recovery rate - and able to fit GOGL in and around setting up their life, work, healthcare needs and caring for children.

Inclusive for all

GOGL is design for all sexes, sexualities, cultures and ages. It is also costed very low compared to other alternatives - with the goal being as much accessibility as possible. All content is in audio and has been transcribed to support disabilities and those who may want to translate content using a digital translation software.

Giving control to the victim

Control is a theme most victims identify with. They are in control of this programme. Speed, rate, direction - all content can be repeated, used as a resource not a single directional journey.

Positive and long-term recovery model

The journey has been designed to be positive. It is a recovery journey and addresses the emotional needs people have to meet to regulate emotion and model best parenting (a concern we often hear about). Developing love is the best healing environment for children, a parent who loves themselves models self-love which is the polar opposite of an adverse environment. GOGL fixes parents on becoming fit in their own mental health, in a sustainable way that avoids future abuse.


GOGL is an opportunity for services and individuals to get ongoing and empowering support. Quicker access, greater inclusivity, flexible pace and control - and a long term offer - are all good for parents and families. The results are yet to be visible, but the logic is strong and invites us to be curious.

The programme content is here.

How the model fits alongside services is here.

Feel free to contact us for information or a service based trial.


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